Erica Doering Round 5

For our final project, my group was instructed to take over the social media accounts for the health department.  My specific job was Pinterest.  I’ve never used Pinterest before but always knew what it was because of friends.  When I first found out I had Pinterest I downloaded the app and made my own account that day.  I wanted to see how it works and how to navigate the website.  The next day I logged on to the Oswego Pinterest and started pinning like crazy.  I loved the different, new and creative ideas that were on there.  There are so many ways to try to eat healthily but Pinterest gives you the ideas and recipes to do so!  It also has a bunch of great ideas for workouts and different diets you can eat.

IMG_2170.jpg I started off pinning a lot of food-based pins but then realized, I need to pin a wider variety.  I then started pinning everything healthy for you and every healthy recipe that looks like it would taste good.  After I did a lot of that, I wanted to create a new board and make it for cheat days.  I labeled it Treat Your Self.  On that board, I have a lot of unhealthy food with a twist.  It is all food that would normally have a lot of sugar or fat but instead, in the recipes, there are substitutes to make them semi-healthy while still on your cheat day.  I think this board is important for a health blog because life is all about balance.  Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you have to stop eating everything unhealthy.  It may just mean you change it a little so it’s still enjoyable but healthier.
IMG_2177I started out with about 30 followers and now have 38!  I think I have grown this site by expanding the page with more and more pins.  I also branched out to a few of my friends who are in the same major and encouraged them to follow it for great health tips.  I’ve asked my friends in the last week if they enjoyed following the page and I have gotten great feedback! They loved some of the different food recipes and different workout plans that they can use to switch up their daily routine.

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