Reflection 7&8 – Jody Sullivan

Throughout the past few weeks we have discussed some topics and also watched a few videos on them. The topic that stuck out as most interesting for me was Fitness on Demand


Fitness on demand is a new wave of exercise technology that promotes activity through video instructors, anywhere you have space you are able to stream it to your laptop or phone and obviously TV.

Why Fitness on Demand?

Fitness On Demand™ is a market-leading delivery platform of virtual fitness. Since 2010, our services have allowed facilities around the world to economically deliver premium fitness programs to their users. With programming and services designed to optimize space, streamline operations, and offer unparalleled variety, our services are the perfect addition to fitness facilities, apartment complexes, hotels, and more.

 Fitness on demand combines game like experiences such as a race with exercising on like a bike or treadmill to take your mind off of the exercise itself and allow you to feel enjoyment out of what can sometimes be an exhausting routine.



Simply competition. With increasing advancements in technology, many professions are in jeopardy. With the increased enjoyment and excitement you get out of the fitness on demand, it is hard to go back to simply one on one training with an instructor at a gym, because fitness on demand offers convenience and fun. Although there are perks to fitness on demand it is hard to compete with an in your face instructor for motivation who knows your personal needs. This is someone who you can build a bond with so there are pros and cons to both, it would be up to the consumer to chose which is a best fit for them.


Sign up for Fitness on demand today


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