Round 3-James Irving

For this round of projects my group and I instructed a class on how to make a weebly website. First, we made a step by step on how to log onto weebly, create your own domain, edit your website, and add pictures and other features to your personal website. We also have a step by step on how to embed videos, specifically youtube videos to the website. There are two methods on how to embed the youtube video to your website, both pretty easy in my opinion. Along with embedding a youtube link, we also have instructions on how to make a youtube video. After all of this was done, our group member Ciara went into the class and helped instruct students on how to make a website using all of these features. They were taught how to sign up to the website and get your own domain. The class was then instructed on how to edit the site with your personal information, embed videos, and make your own youtube videos to upload to your site. Using Weebly is fairly easy and once you get the hang of it you can discover a lot of different things you can do with it. For instance to embed a video you can just drag a box from the side and you will be able to upload a video from your own computer. The same method of dragging a box onto the website is a constant theme in using the website builder and is very convenient. Here is our document with listed steps and instructions we used for the class.  The document is just all the steps we listed on making a weebly site, embedding video, and creating a youtube account and video.

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