HealthTech – Tatyana F. – Class 1 – Reflection 4

Health and wellness is a very popular topic that we see in the world today. It is constantly growing. It seems to be that everyday you are hearing of new nutrition, exercise, and overall fitness tips. Modern day technology is only amplifying the affect of health and wellness on our everyday lives.

Fitness trackers and apps are two predominant forms of technology that are greatly influencing the area of health today. Both have advantages in helping people meet and maintain a healthy fitness level and lifestyle. Fitness trackers have made a huge impact in the technological world and are helping people monitor their health around the globe. One article even discusses how these trackers may be able to alert one of potential health problems in the near future. “Imagine a smart watch that surreptitiously scans your body for telltale signs of disease.” Check out the video below to decide if fitness tracker would benefit you and your fitness goals.

Many apps available to us today have also been able to provide means of helping one maintain a healthy lifestyle. Not only health and fitness apps, but also medical ones, have entered the world of health and technology. This article discusses how medical apps can benefit individuals. One free app “in the medical category helps users remember to take their medication, vitamins, and supplements. Users can enter in their dosage information, set up reminders, and track whether they take a dose or not. It includes Rx refill features and Rx transfer options as well as the ability to export all of the prescription history a user has tracked via the app. It even has a search feature for the entire FDA Drug Database to find all the medications the user is taking.” This application, as you can see, could indeed benefit people staying on top of their health as an everyday lifestyle. 

Technology is ever advancing the field of health and wellness and is important to know how to take advantage of what’s available to you. I personally use a fitness tracker to monitor my heart rate, my sleep patterns, steps, and more. It also keeps my on track and sends daily reminders for me to get up and stay active. I use the app, MyFitnessPal, to focus on a healthy diet and reach my weight loss goals. The reminders and the planning aspects of the app keep my motivated to meet my health goals. For example, if I wake up and log that I am going to run 3 miles, I am more motivated to make sure that I actually get up and go do it. The use of this app has also helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although I no longer consider myself to be “dieting”, I still use the app to ensure that I am eating in moderation and conscious of making healthier food choices.

Personally, I highly recommend utilizing the technology available today in order to stay on top in the realm of health and wellness. Health is wealth, people!

Check out my YouTube video below summarizing my blog post!

Thank You!

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