“Stay TechnActive!” Tatyana Fish – Class 1 – Reflection 3

Picture this… You just got home from a long day of classes and now you just need something to take your mind off of school. You feel as if you need to go to the gym to get in a good sweat session, but on the other hand all you want to do is stay in and play video games. What if you could do both!? Well you can! With the help of… EXERGAMING, a combination of exercising and gaming. With this new technology available to us today, it is now possible to achieve a newfound sense of fun and motivation when it comes to exercising. This is just an example of how technology is working to get us up and moving and achieve a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle. Check out this video below to watch Dr. Yang explain the positive health benefits of exergaming.

Many aspects of technology exemplify its applications to health and wellness. Video gaming is a form of technology that has the ability to stimulate both physical and mental health. Games that get you up and moving, such as JustDance and Wii Sports Resort, allow one to enjoy physical activity in a light, fun environment. According to this article, video games have also been found to have a positive influence on mental health. Research shows that gaming has a positive influence on cognitive, emotional, motivational, and social factors due to the fact that the mind is active and stimulated while playing.

Apps and fitness trackers are also both predominant exemplars of how technology is related to health and wellness.  One article discusses how “diet-related apps could be a valuable part of the solution to the current public health crisis related to obesity and obesity-related diseases.” The article also discusses improvements that should be made to these apps that would allow for a more motivating element to facilitate a healthy behavior change. New technologies are emerging every single day and both advancements and improvements alike are being made, but growth like this takes time. An up and coming technology utilizes smartphones and wearable technology for doctors to track the health statuses of their patients. Health tracker devices are important because you are able to monitor many of the most essential aspects of your health and well-being, such as heart rate, physical activity, sleep patterns, and more. Watch this video to see how mHealth devices can help you.

I personally partake in both “exergaming” and in using a health tracker app, MyFitnessPal. Both motivate me to stay on track with and achieve my health goals. When I am not in the mood to go to the gym, I play JustDance or Wii Sports Resort to get in a little physical activity for the day. Also, although I am not necessarily dieting, I enjoy using MyFitnessPal to motivate me to eat in moderation, get my steps in, and to go out and exercise so I am able to log and monitor my progress.

It is evident that technology has played a key role in motivating healthy behavior. Whether it be getting up and moving while playing a game, or tracking your health progress on an app, technology seems to be all around us. It is important to take advantage of these opportunities that make a healthier lifestyle easier, more enjoyable, and attainable. Technology is, and will continue to be, a motivating force behind achieving your health and fitness goals.

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