“Flipping Out Over Health Tech” – Tatyana Fish – Class 1 – Social Media Blog Post

Flipboard is an up-and-coming social networking site that allows for the sharing of interesting stories and articles among followers. Flipboard is set up in a way so that you are able to personalize your feed. This personalization feature allows one to flip the stories that pertain to them the most, and avoid stories they wouldn’t necessarily be as interested in. Personally, filters that I have applied to my Flipboard account include Technology, Healthy Eating, and Workouts. I believe that these filters relate to both the class itself (Health & Technology), and my own self interests.

Flipboard differs from other social media platforms in the sense that it is less personal. What you post is not coming from you directly, it’s the work of others that you decide to share. That’s why adding filters that represent your interests, as well as the interests of those you are trying to target, is an important aspect of personalizing your Flipboard profile.

My responsibility throughout the duration of this social media project was to flip articles and stories into the Interactive Health Technology profile. I chose articles that related to present day health and the technology surrounding it.


Here’s a look at a few of my favorite articles that I flipped into the Interactive Health Technology profile…






Check out the video below to see why I chose to incorporate these specific articles into the Interactive Health Technology profile!

Also check out my work-in-progress fitness website: https://tfish10.wixsite.com/mysite

Thank you!

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